The Hepworth Wakefield Cafe 7 April - 25 September 2022 If you're planning a visit to The Hepworth in the next couple of weeks and are thinking of calling in at the cafe to see 'In the Garden' (and naturally for delicious refreshments) then I have a bit of a celebratory confession. All six of … Continue reading ‘In The Garden’ update
Author: HelenThomas
The Hepworth Wakefield cafe 7 April - 25 September 2022 "The Hepworth Wakefield Garden, designed by Tom Stuart-Smith, has become a source of inspiration for many visiting artists.In The Garden, a new exhibition on display in our café, brings together seven artists – Sarah Abbott, Clare Curtis, Helen Riddle, Helen Thomas, Tony Wade, Studio Wald … Continue reading In The Garden
In January I devised and delivered a workshop for the wonderful Oak Project at the also wonderful Yorkshire Sculpture Park. It currently feels very much like a 'working behind the scenes' phase. I've made a start on a few changes to this site - I''m learning through doing, so please excuse any glitches and missing … Continue reading February 2022, a little update
Artwalk WakefieldNovember 2021 An insight into the inspirations and processes behind the work of four artists, who are all studio holders at The Art House in Wakefield: Helen Riddle, Jim Souper, Helen Thomas, and Tony Wade.In Pathways the artists identify a common thread that can be drawn through their diverse approaches, which include textiles, photography, … Continue reading Pathways
Prosaic Projects Gallery, Bloc Projects, Sheffield, 2021 ‘Xylem and Phloem’, curated by Sean Williams, featured ‘Yarrow and Nettle on Smyth Street’ by Helen Thomas ; ‘Meadow Saxifrage’ by Barbara Howey ; and ‘Dark Marsh: Winter Tangle’ by Judith Tucker "three amazing painters who work primarily with images of plants. In so doing, they invite us … Continue reading Xylem and Phloem
Some of the images from 'Dandelions and Double Yellows - Your Gallery' There will be a special event to celebrate Dandelions and Double Yellows - Your Gallery in Wakefield on Thursday 28th October 2021, at 7pm.I'm delighted that Jack Wallington will be joining us to talk about the beauty and importance of urban wild plants.Jack … Continue reading Dandelions and Double Yellows – Your Gallery: Celebration event
Dandelions and Double Yellows is an arts, nature and noticing project by Helen Thomas. The project is an invitation to reconsider the often overlooked, unplanned plants in our everyday surroundings.Helen created a new body of paintings, inspired by urban wild plants, which were exhibited at Wakefield Cathedral in Summer 2021. Sixteen site responsive paintings were … Continue reading Dandelions and Double Yellows
Solo exhibition at Wakefield CathedralJuly - August 2021 Dandelions and Double Yellows featured 16 site responsive paintings by Helen Thomas which were inspired by spontaneous flora observed in Wakefield City centre and close surroundings.The project and exhibition was supported by Arts Council England and Wakefield Council. You can read more about the project here 'Groundsel, … Continue reading Dandelions and Double Yellows